Software I use, stuff that I need, and other things I recommend.

If you want to know what I use to create software or keep my mind on focus. Here’s a list of my worspace.


  • 13,3” MacBook Air, M1, 8GB RAM (2020)

    I use this when I’m outside my house.

  • Mac mini, M2, 16GB RAM (2023)

    I was using an Intel-based 14” MacBook Pro prior to this and the difference is night and day. I’ve never heard the fans turn on a single time, even under the incredibly heavy loads I put it through with my sideprojects.

  • Xiaomi Monitor A22i

    I have 2 of these connected to the Mac Mini. They’re cheap and they’re good enough for me. 22” and 75Hz.

  • Apple Magic Keyboard

    I love mechanical keyboards but I can’t stand the noise. This is the best choice I found after trying a lot of keyboards to code with.

  • Apple Magic Mouse

    I would like to use Apple Magic Trackpad but Is uncomfortable to travel with it. So I use the mouse.

  • Spring Sit-Stand Desktop

    I work a lot of hours and I need to change my position frequently. This desk is perfect for that and it’s not expensive.

Development tools

  • Visual Studio Code

    I used to be a VIM user but I switched to VSCode a few years ago and I’m never going back. It’s the perfect balance of performance and features.

  • GitHub Desktop

    I’m honestly not a huge fan of command line git. I use it when I have to but I’d much rather use a GUI. GitHub Desktop is the best one I’ve found.


  • Figma

    I used to use a notepad and a pencil to draw my ideas. Now I use Figma. It’s the best tool for me to design and prototype.



    I started reading books to create better habits. Time later, many needings appeared and I created this app to help me with that. Combination of pomodoro technique, habit tracking, task management and priority calculation.