I’m Antonio Gonzalez. I live in Chile, where I build my path in tech world.
I’ve love knowing how things work since I can remember. I built a game server when I was 12 years old to play with friends. I wrote my first program at age 13. A simple exe file to play a joke to my friends.
As with technology I’ve grown up with Disney like the most of 90’s people. But not in the same way as the rest because of movies. Obviously I love Disney movies, but my interest was taken by the use of technology in the parks. Like most Latin American people I never had the chance to go to the parks as a kid, but in the movies I watched a lot of ads of the parks that let me know they exist and what they have.
When I was studying computer science I worked on my free time by taking tests to schools kids and give the results to the company I worked for. One day I was collecting data from a bunch of test I taken in a week in this company office, a teacher was working creating those tests had a issue in his computer, she stopped working and tell her boss of the issue. When she was telling what problem was that I did tell her I can help with that issue (basically a really infected computer). After 15 minutes working on the laptop I did fix her problem and she was able to start working again, then I go back to my work.
The same day in the afternoon, the boss asked me to speak in private. In the meeting room I saw two more people, and they showed me a contract and asked me if I want to work with them in the IT area.
This is how my history in the tech world started and here I am. Growing every day and doing my best to be an Imagineering as I wish as a kid.